essential oils

choosing your oils

a word about quality…

the most important thing when it comes to using oils for healing is that they are quality and therapeutic grade. while there are some that fit these qualities, they are not typically sold in grocery stores. i have chosen to become a young living distributor because i believe in their quality, their company and their distributing model. they also have a strong commitment to giving back to their community which is near and dear to my heart.

quick start

already know which oils you want? ready to become a distributor yourself? no need to wait…

free consult

new to essential oils and looking for some guidance? would you benefit from some help choosing which oils would be best for your needs? fill out our consult form and we will create a customized order recommendation for you!


whether you are new to oils or have been using them forever there is always more to learn! click here for my favorite essential oil resources including websites, reference guides, blogs, social media etc.